Amy Vorpahl
This list ranks the lowest scorers by points per episode. This is to try to make the table a little fairer and not penalise those who have been in more episodes. Their total score appears underneath.
Welcome to Who Broke the News?, the website where we follow those who don't know what they're about to say and aren't allowed to smile or laugh. This is an unofficial score tracker for Dropout TV's "Breaking News: No Laugh Newsroom". We've got the scores for each episode of the show, so you can track who broke the most across the whole series. Head over to the leaderboards and you can see who won the most episodes, who lost the most episodes, and just how many episodes Katie Marovitch has made it through without dropping character. (Spoiler alert: it's a lot ...)
This unofficial website is a small project lovingly put together by a fan, with absolutely zero affiliation to "Breaking News", Dropout, Sam Reich (hey Sam!!!), or anyone at CH Media. Episode data, cast photos, and screenshots are sourced via The Movie Database API and are the property of their respective parties, not the property of this site or its creator. There are no adverts or affiliate links here, but if you enjoy the site and want to support its upkeep, feel free to visit my Buy Me A Coffee page. If you want to give me feedback, feel free to get in touch.
These are the cumulative standings across all seasons of Breaking News, carefully weighted by points per episode so we can at least try to avoid people who have been in just one episode topping the charts.*
* Yes, Brian Huskey, we know you nailed it in your single appearance in season 2, but we've got to give the regulars a fighting chance!
This list ranks the lowest scorers by points per episode. This is to try to make the table a little fairer and not penalise those who have been in more episodes. Their total score appears underneath.
Amy Vorpahl
Matt Apodaca
Carolyn Page
Becca Scott
Elaine Carroll
Erika Ishii
Aabria Iyengar
Ally Beardsley
Ryan Anthony Martin
Jacquis Neal
Rashawn Nadine Scott
Laci Mosley
Jessica Ross
Raphael Chestang
Kellen Schneider
Jeremy Culhane
Camirin Farmer
Andy Bustillos
Jeffery Self
Grant O'Brien
This list ranks the highest scorers by points per episode. This is to try to reduce the number of cast members who only appeared in one episode from ruling the table. Their total score appears underneath.
Brian Huskey
Katie Marovitch
Jessica Clemons
Paul Robalino
Kendahl Landreth
John Milhiser
Ify Nwadiwe
Lauren Lapkus
Lily Du
Alfred Aquino II
Emily Axford
Jacob Wysocki
Christine Medrano
Danielle Radford
Brennan Lee Mulligan
Mary Holland
Siobhan Thompson
Rekha Shankar
Mike Trapp
Ele Woods
This list highlights the players who broke character the most in any given episode. Some players appear multiple times because they broke character the most across multiple episodes (hi, Amy, we still love you), and some episodes appear more than once because more than one player broke repeatedly.
Amy Vorpahl
Amy Vorpahl
Amy Vorpahl
Amy Vorpahl
Amy Vorpahl
Raphael Chestang
Carolyn Page
Elaine Carroll
Becca Scott
Amy Vorpahl
Amy Vorpahl
Amy Vorpahl
Ally Beardsley
Sam Reich
Aabria Iyengar
Amy Vorpahl
Erika Ishii
Carolyn Page
Amy Vorpahl
Tao Yang
Season 7, Episode 15
Released on October 15, 2024
Sam receives a relaxing facial from Grant while Trapp drinks an amazing smoothie.
While you're here obsessing over "Breaking News" stats, please check out the other incredible content on Dropout. From the mayhem of "Make Some Noise" to the mind-blowing adventures of "Dimension 20", the sauciness that is "Dirty Laundry" and "Game Changer" - the show that really should have at least been nominated for an Emmy (seriously, where's the love?). Dropout has it all. They even feature comedy specials like "Chris Grace: As Scarlett Johansson", which... well, you just have to see it to believe it.
This isn't an affiliate link - I don't make a penny from you signing up. I'm just a fan who thinks Dropout deserves more people watching their genius. So if you're into clever, off-the-wall comedy, give them a try!