About "Who Broke The News?"

Welcome to Who Broke The News?, an unofficial fansite for the Dropout TV show, Breaking News: No Laugh Newsroom. This site is a personal project created by me, Nathan Hawkes, to track the scores for each episode of this insane show.

What's This All About?

If you're new to the show, Breaking News sees members of Dropout's talent reading from a teleprompter as though they work for a news network. They have no idea what is on the prompter and cannot break character during the skit. Every time they do so, they lose points. The show started in 2018 with four episodes in season 1, but has added more and more episodes and more chaos since.

Where did it come from?

The idea for this sort of came from Citation Needed, a YouTube show produced by Tom Scott, Matt Gray, Chris Joel, and Gary Brannan. A fan of the show compiled a spreadsheet of all the points and mystery biscuits awarded during the video, and the winner was recorded - as well as whoever was proclaimed the winner at the end of the video. It also recorded the "prizes" for each episode.

Fast forward to around July 2024: I'm binge-watching Breaking News, when I got the idea to create a spreadsheet for the scores. It was ... complicated to maintain, but I did what I could. And then started to see if it was possible to create a website to track everything. This is one of a handful of sites I have created without using something like WordPress to power it, and I' still learning, so this would be the biggest project I have taken of its kind. After some research and reviewing and learning, Who Broke The News? was born.

Now, I haven't kept up with the spreadsheet because this gorgeous hunk of code exists, but if you want to see what it would look like, you can check out the Data Table, where I have replicated it in web form. It's best viewed on a desktop or laptop browser, but will work on moble and tablet devices.

Huge Thanks to Dropout!

First of all, a huge THANK YOU to everyone at Dropout and CH Media for producing this show and making us all laugh (sometimes until we cry). Every bit of this site was made with love for the work they do, and I hope that comes across here. May you continue to make ore awesome content for our entertainment.

Where possible, I have tried to use content that is either released under Creative Commons or some other publicly available license. Icons are sourced from The Noun Project under CC BY 3.0. To give proper credit, these are the creators of the icons: pratama; Karrjo; scorpicon; Sugab; Evgenii Likhachov; Side Project; Zky Icon; Riska Garani; Sion; Asa Kharisma Dini; Riyan Resdian. Brand icons are used from Font Awesome and are owned by their respective owners. The front image is by rawpixel.com on Freepik.

Cast and crew photos, as well as season cover images and episode preview images are sourced through The Movie Database, and are owned by Dropout, CH Media, or their respective holders. I have no affiliation